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Month: April 2019

Roleplay Summary – 4/9/2019

Tristan lights up a hand rolled Berle tobacco cigarette using the oil lamp sitting on the Tavern table. His frock is damp from the calves down and his brand new boots are caked in filth. The justicar grimaces at the strange inclusion of the scent of whale oil to the usual mixture of clove, allspice and cinnamon his favorite Tobacco usually gives off.

Tristan looks into the camera, takes a drag and says “Here’s what you missed.”

The group ascended the boat that the shapeshifter was on. We discovered a few half-orc corpses that Tindar had cut down and a ruined magic circle lying on the deck. In addition next to the circle was the desiccated corpse of their wizard who sucked the life out of herself to teleport the survivors away.

We investigated below decks to find yet another group of slaves. Some of these ones had also been drained of their life forces but…in a different way.

Turns out that the shapeshifter was not what we originally thought, it is some kind of monster that can take on the appearance of people through a dread way. It sucks it’s victims clean of energy, talent, skill, and vivacity to bolster itself…and feed.

It then assumes their identity to disguise itself.

(Tristan takes a deep drag and flicks some ashes)

So we save the folk with the aid of the constabulary and some sailors he enlisted and continue to search the boat, all the while it’s sinking. We find it’s lair, and apparently it has a taste for finery. So we strip the whole thing and run for our lives while Sughust and Tindar attempt some foolish deed and go into the bilges.

We all escape and Sughust and Tindar tell us they’ve been tracking this thing for months, crossing paths with us where it leaves it’s victims…it’s stalking us. Specifically?

(Tristan takes a gulp of water and another drag off of his smoke, the plume he exhales perfuming the air)

It’s tracking Nix…she’s…tasty to it.

So? We have a chest, a load of books, and more questions than answers. But, we’re heroes, we’ll persevere.

(Tristan stubs out his cigarette)

“Get some rest. We’re going to go and see a man about a house tomorrow and I want you all to be ready.”

Adventure Summary 4/3/2019

he Big Damn Heroes saved a member of a team that was sent after the missing cartography team. He informed us that his crew was captured by Hobgoblins enroute to the suspected location of the Dwarven tomb.

Through this we found our way to the suspected location where we discovered a secret door in the mountain that was locked by a sound based magical system. Nix was able to make it open at which point our group was ambushed by Troglodytes and a Dragonborn with black Scales outfitted with all magical arms and armor.

We defeated the ambushers, but the noise roused the guardian of the Tomb, a 22 foot tall Cyclops who proceeded to attempt to crush us. With good tactics and a whole lot of inspiration we defeated the beast and made our egress into the tomb.

Inside we discovered the Cartographer, who had been held captive as a snack by the Cyclops and freed him. We made a complete map of the Tomb and found a series of journals detailing the adventures and workings of this great Dwarvish hero who’s weapons had slain Tiamat herself.

We delivered the items to Lady Othel, stink bombed the tavern by being covered in Troglodyte blood, and after a celebration and goodbyes have made our way south toward New Bern.

Our group is going to commission a large wagon to assist in transporting all of our group safely from town to town, so while it is being constructed we are going to spend a week in New Bern before heading south to Saltmarsh to complete the very first
Mission we were tasked with.

Everybody has 40 hours of downtime in which to select jobs from the New Bern job board.

the next session is going to be this Sunday April 7th as a bonus session from 12:30 to 4pm. During which we will make our way to Saltmarsh.

Nix’s Background

Originally posted by Nix

When she was just 5 years old, Nix was already aware of how her ability worked and her parents have given her her first job. Her family wants to take over an elven family of royalty for the wealth and power. Nix was groomed from birth so that she can take the place of the youngest daughter. As night falls on the day of the switch, Nix is ready to please her family. Quiet and small, Nix slips in undetected right behind her older brother who has learned to be the master of stealth. Her brother quietly incapacitated the target and Nix changed into her and took her place in the bed. Over the next few years, Nix would gather information and relay it back to her family in the middle of the night. The plan to assassinate was soon. The closer the day grew though, the more Nix was having second thoughts though. She had actually grown to like the elven family. So much that Nix had started to report back to her family less and less. One day, an entertainer had come to the family estate. The sound of laughter filled Nix’s ears and it filled her with joy. Joy that made her forget her own family. Nix loved this feeling. She started delaying the assassination by giving false information. Finally she decided to leave her elven family at the age of 15 and joined the college of bards. She learned to play many instruments and perform many talents, she got very good with her words. During one night at the college, Nix heard a bump in the night and she immediately sprang out of bed just to come face to face with a quick dagger. Her reflexes have improved to keep up with the elves and she was able to dodge the attack just in time. She couldn’t see her attacker, but she had a trick up her sleeve that she had already learned. With a wave of her hand 4 lights lit up the corners of her room just enough so that she could see it was her own mother. She had found Nix and was taking her out for treason. Nix had learned another trick that helped her though, cutting words. She simply told her mother that she was a bad parent and her mother stumbled on the next attack which gave Nix the opportunity she needed. She lunged for an attack with her own dagger but missed, catching her pendant instead and ripping it off. Scared, her mother quickly escaped leaving Nix alone. She took the pendant to a wizard that she had become friends with and he enchanted the pendant to glow if her mother was to ever get close to her again. She left the bard college and used her skills to keep on the move as best as she can. Several more years past and Nix decided she wanted to do something better with her life and decided to be an adventurer. She signed up with the handlers and was sent on her first mission. She knew she would have to face her family one day but hopefully not alone.